
Fig. 1 | U of C | Negative Framing

By January 8, 2021 No Comments

In 2019 we were glad to work with the University of California on their series, Fig. 1, promoting the published and ongoing work of their researchers and professors. Alison Ledgerwood (PhD), a behavioural scientist, discusses her research that indicates that negative experiences are “stickier” in our minds than positive experiences. We learned quite a bit from this video: why this “negativity bias” may have helped our species in the past, but how we can counter it’s problematic aspects in our lives today.

If you want to know more about  U of C’s Fig.1 project head over to their YouTube channel to check out all their videos.


DIRECTION: Hector Herrera, Pazit Cahlon
DESIGN: Hector Herrera
PRODUCTION: Pazit Cahlon
EDUCATOR: Alison Ledgerwood
PRODUCER FOR Fig.1: Jessica Wheelock
ANIMATION: Hector Herrera